Tecnoroll LAB
We have all the know-how and the expertise to help you in developing your projects and designs. Our Tecnoroll Lab is also fully equipped for tests and measurements, or to produce mechanical and electronic prototypes.
Discover what Tecnoroll can do for you!
R&D services
The know-how of Tecnoroll ranges in every field of electronic design, in both hardware and software. Provide to our customers a service that can actively help the realization of their ideas is for us matter of course and simple.
We always follow a design from the early stages of drafting specifications up to mass production, even for larger productions.
Our demo room, available to our customers and partners, allows to perform complete tests and measurements, and is constantly revised, updated and enhanced.
The use of the most advanced development tools and heterogeneous Tecnoroll allows to work on a wide range of architectures and technologies, in order to adapt them to perfection to the specific needs of the customer.

Feasibility studies
How to understand if an idea can become a reality? How to best realize it? How much will it cost? How to industrialize it? Thanks to our experience we can give you all the answers!

Schematics design
We design your diagrams being careful to optimize every aspect of the circuit bringing advantages that are felt when it comes to the production of boards!

PCB design
A schematic studied to perfection deserves a wiring and a layout of the components intelligent and treated in every part. We can do it!

Software design
Not only hardware: at Tecnoroll we are also good at creating the firmware and software that make your projects come to life!
Prototyping service
At Tecnoroll we do not just stop at the "on paper" design: our prototyping department is able to realize and provide the electronic and mechanical protypes to fully test your design!
We are therefore perfectly able to provide a complete service to help you in the realization of your idea from the beginning until the industrialization of the product.
...and in case we need to produce in large quantities we have trusted partners with whom we have been working closely for years!

PCB Assembly
In our assembly line we can realize the boards and mount smd and tht components. We have the complete control of prototypes realizzation!

Mechanical machining
We have a modern and complete department for mechanical processing: whether they are of support to electronics or end in themselves... we can do it!

3D printing
You need a mockup? No problem! Our line of 3d printers are at your disposal!

Laser cutting
We believe that a modern prototyping department cannot be considered complete without the possibility of making laser engravings.
Discover also our range of products!
We have all the know-how and the expertise to help you in developing your projects and designs! Our Tecnoroll Lab is fully equipped also for tests and measurements, or also to produce mechanical and electronic prototypes. discover what Tecnoroll can do for you!