Tecnoroll Academy
Our extensive know-how can benefit our customer in many different ways. For example we can organize special tailormade courses in different practical subjects concerning electronic design.
Contact us for more info!
FPGA programming classes
Learn FPGA programming from those who have worked in the field for years!

PCB routing courses
PCB routing is an art! We can teach you all the tricks to design neat and efficient electronic boards.

English for technicians
English for technicians is different from what you learn in school and sometimes it takes years to learn it yourself: we can help you!

Work with CNCs
The world of CNCs has come out of the workshop: we can help you introduce it in a small laboratories or in an enthusiast's home!

Discover also our range of products!
We have all the know-how and the expertise to help you in developing your projects and designs! Our Tecnoroll Lab is fully equipped for tests and measurements, or also to produce mechanical and electronic prototypes. discover what Tecnoroll can do for you!